Wednesday, May 4, 2011

I'm Back!

So, I've been away from the blogging world for a while, but it's time to start back. Nothing real excited has happened. My time in ADPi is about to come to an end. I just went through Jewel Degree and participated in my last initiation. I've had several break downs just thinking about not being in ADPi anymore. I've enjoyed being a sorority the past four years. It hasn't always been easy, but I've loved it. I'm going to miss my sisters, but I'll be around!

Friday, November 26, 2010

Thanksgiving Break

I've had a fairly enjoyable Thanksgiving break. It started out a little rough because I had to have surgery on Friday, but it got me a few extra days off. I lounged around the weekend, Monday, and Tuesday, but Wednesday mom and I went to Memphis for a full day of shopping. It's kind of become our tradition to go shopping the day before Thanksgiving. I got some really cute outfits. New York and Co. had everything 50% off and you can't do any better than that.
Thanksgiving was uneventful. My parents and I saw The Next Three Days, it was good, not as good as I expected though. Russel Crowe looks good though so it was worth it.

Mom and I went and saw Burlesque today and I now have a new obsession in life! I was very excited about this movie and it did not disappoint. Christina Aguilera is actually a pretty good actress and man can she sing! She plays Alli, a small town girl who moves to L.A. in hopes of a better life. She stumbles across a club called Burlesque and is immediately drawn in. She wants a job as a dancer, but settles for waitress. When a spot becomes available she auditions and makes it. At first she just dances, but when her boss discovers she can actually sing she really starts bringing in the money. Alli's love interest is played by Cam Gigandet (James from Twilight) and he is very easy on the eyes. McSteamy is also in the movie, he's a jerk, but when you look like that who cares! The best part in the whole movie though is when Cher's character Tess sings You Haven't Seen the Last of Me. Tess is the owner of Burlesque and is struggling to keep her club from being sold. In this song she says pretty much says she isn't going down without a fight. Cher proves why she is a super star. I'm already obsessed with the soundtrack!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The witching hour is upon us

I love this time of the year. The leaves are changing, fall decorations are going up, and Halloween is in just a few weeks. I love Halloween! I love the decorations, the costumes, the candy, and all the scary movies on T.V. I'm the kind of girl who prefers a good horror movie to a romantic comedy, although I do like romantic comedies. I think it's fun to just be scared. This weekend I saw the movie My Soul to Take and it really got me ready for all the scary movies that will be coming on. This weekend, I also watched The Exorcist for the first time and that wasn't the best idea I've ever had. I don't scare easily, but this movie scared me. However, I still enjoy Halloween and I still enjoy a good scary movie.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Brand New Day

So recruitment is over! Yay! Not that I don't like recruitment it's just very stressful. I'm so proud of the beautiful new Alphas we have. One of the best things about recruitment is welcoming back our Gamma Chi's and Panhellenic Officers. One of my best friends J-Clay got to come back to us. She always makes any situation fun and she is hilarious. I'm glad she's finally back on the floor. I did get a little upset at Bid Day because this will be the last recruitment I ever participate in. Next year I will be an alum and even though I will still come to Bid Day, but I will never actually participate in recruitment again.
I can already tell this is going to a stressful semester. Sometimes I wonder why I picked nursing, but I just keep telling myself that in the end everything will be worth it. I actually really do love nursing and I'm excited about clinicals, I'm just ready to be done.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

The Magic of Disney

I absolutely love Disney movies! No matter your mood, they always make you smile. Today I watched two Disney sing alongs, Robin Hood, and The Lion King with some sorority sisters, they just make us all happy. There be moments that make you cry, but they always have a happy ending! The older Disney movies are the best, the newer ones just aren't as good. I did like Cars, but that's the only recent Disney movie that I really like.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

"We Were More Than a Slice of American Pie"

So I just heard the song Slice by Five for Fighting yesterday and it really got me thinking about a simpler time, a time when people's lives weren't controlled by cell phones, Facebook, computers, and pretty much all things electronic. Don't get me wrong, I don't think I could live without my cell phone, but it would have been nice to live when everyone wasn't technology obsessed. I think it would have been cool to live during the 60's. People actually got excited every time they heard a new song because music wasn't easily accesible. American Bandstand was where all the new music was heard first and waiting for it to come on was so exciting. Music just couldn't be bought instantly online, you actually had to go out and buy a record. I love Bob Dylan, The Beatles, The Rolling Stones and it's so weird to think that Rock n' Roll was once considered a bad thing, but that's what made it so great, it was like something you shouldn't be doing, but you couldn't help it. I think it's funny how it used to be scandalous to wear a skirt that didn't touch your knees, now girls leave the house with everything hanging out and no one even thinks twice. Sometimes I really do think life would be better if we went back to a simpler way of thinking.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

My issue with A Nightmare on Elm Street

So, I went and saw the new A Nightmare on Elm Street. I've been wanting to see this movie ever since I heard they were remaking it because I love horror movies. I actually really enjoyed the movie. It didn't fall victim to so many of the cliches that other remakes have. For starters no one ran around naked for half the movie, in fact there was no nudity at all. Also, every other word wasn't F***, sure they said it, but not to the extreme of some other movies. My issue wasn't really with the movie, but the people in the theater. I always like to get to movies a little early so I can get a good seat. There weren't that many people in the theater, then this couple walks in with a little girl who couldn't have been more than 7 or 8. I thought are they in the right movie, but whatever. Apparently the women in front of me thought the same thing because she turned around to me to make sure she was in the right movie. After we confirmed it was the right movie another woman walks in with more small children, then another couple with several more children, including one who was probably only three. Of course, they all choose to sit in the row right behind me. So I spend the entire movie listening to children talk and getting my seat kicked. Seriously people, this is an R rated movie leave the kids at home. If this had been How to Train Your Dragon, I wouldn't have a problem because that's an appropriate movie for children. This movie was in no way a kid friendly movie.